
观点 · 2004-04-01





  一个多月前,我在广州中山大学讲了一次话,惹来意想不到的非议!主要原因,是一个学生问及博弈理论(theory of games),我说还看不到这理论对解释现象有什么用处。
  学术上的行规你们怎可以不知道。你要批评我的学术,找我发表了的学术文章来出气好了。我是不会回应的,但文章既然发表了,你们大可手起刀落——— —不要斩我,要斩就斩我的文章。不要斩他人对我的引述或诠释,翻译的也作不得准,要斩我亲手写出来的才算是英雄好汉(一笑)。
  闲话休提,言归正传。说我不懂博弈理论,虽不中亦不远矣!我只是在1962年花过几个星期的时间研读J.von Neumann与O.Morgenstern的名著:《博弈理论与经济行为》。不是我喜欢读,而是在研究院内选修的一科规定要读。其后在有关博弈理论的几个题材上跟了好一段日子,一无所获。这后者是我今天不认同这理论的一个原因。且让我举出四个我“跟”过的例子。
  例二是Hotelling paradox,也是有名的博弈游戏。这个怪论说,一条很长的路,住宅在两旁平均分布。要开一家超级市场,为了节省顾客的交通费用,当然要开在长路的中间点。要是开两家,为了节省顾客的交通费用,理应一家开在路一方的1/3处,另一家开在另一方的1/3处。但为了抢生意,一家往中移,另一家也往中移,结果是两家都开在长路的中间,增加了顾客的交通费用。
  例三是市场的讨价还价。经济学的课本是不容许讨价还价的,但这种行为触目皆是。怎样解释真的是头痛了。1963年我开始想,好几次认为得到答案,但还是两年前想到的答案算是满意的。我的答案姑且不论,传统上有些朋友试以core theory 作解释,也有以博弈理论作解释,都没有收获。我自己的解释是一个大秘密,想了30多年,读者要再等几个月,读完我正在《21世纪经济报道》连载的《经济解释》才知道。到时你可能不同意,但我可预先告诉你,我的解释不用博弈理论。是的,讨价还价是最常见的博弈行为,要是博弈理论连讨价还价的存在也不能解释,那又怎能自圆其说?


作者:Ah sa  发表时间:2001年6月4日 21:33



请参考: Any game-theory paper on entry deterrence or Ch.8 of the "Handbook of Industrial Organization Vol. 1".

(2)Hotelling paradox
Cheung's arguement is equivalent to saying, "we should not use demand-supply theory because Cobweb model may not converge to a stable equilibrium" (不要用供求理论,因蜘网模型没有静态均衡)

请参考: Any paper on bargaining theory or Ch.8 "Bargaining and Cooperation in Two Person Games" in "Game THeory" by Myerson.

P.S. All these articles were published after 1962!


作者:yoyoyo  发表时间:2001年6月13日 15:27








作者:Ah sa  发表时间:2001年6月13日 21:27

Section (I): An Esstential Distinction

In this message, I want to point out an important distinction (区分)
(a) game theory [比拟:optimization (最优化)]
(b) a model using game theory [比拟:a model using optimization]

Notice that game theory ITSELF in (a), just like optimization itself, is just a handy (便于使用的) tool (工具) for modeling, it has NO EXPLANATORY POWER (解释力) at all!

But, when we impose some constraints & test conditions, we can make use of game theory/optimization to construct a model in (b). If this model can derive (取得) testable implications (可验证含义) that fits empirical facts, then we say this model has explainatory power!

I guess many students against game theory fail to understand this distinction.

This is exactly like we use optimization in consumption/production theory.
Optimization itself cannot explain anything, but I guess no one would say consumption & production theory without explanatory power!

Similarly, game theory just gives us a handy framwork(框架) with which we can easily build up a model, derive equilibrium and testable implications.

Is this necessary(必需的)?

Somethimes yes, sometimes no.
Sometimes, when the phenomena is simple enough, we can do it by inituition (直觉) and no game theoretical approach is needed.

Sometimes, when the problem is complicated (复杂), we need game theory to put concepts(概念) into a simple format (格式), so that we can derive implications easily.

We do exactly the same thing in consumer theory. Sometimes, a law of demand is sufficient(足够的). But sometimes, we need to model the whole optimization procedure (程序), so that we can derive implications like how tax rate/price of good 2/income affect demand.

Some think that everything explanable by game theory can be explained by cost.

I tell you, every phenomena in economics ultimatly (最终) come down to cost, taste and initial endowment. Game theory (just like consumer theory, supply-demand model, walrasian general equilibrium model) is just a way to model, ok?!


学无新旧,学无中西,中国今日实无学之患,而非中学西学偏重之患 -- 王国维

Re:Re:!!!张五常:博弈理论的争议 (yoyoyo)

作者:Ah sa  发表时间:2001年6月13日 21:52


Section (II) yoyoyo's example

Suppose we want to model the following facts & derive testable implications.
(1) 事实是每次分组,大致只要进行几次就能出现对半分的情况。
(2) 要进行“弹簧手”的作弊非常容易
(3) 我整个高中期间打篮球时只要有那同学参与,我就会使用。据我看,没有人发现我在作弊,否则早就揭发我了...我有时为了避免受怀疑,偶尔也故意不与那同学分在同一组
(4) 我总是跟那同学分在一组 [Ah sa: for most of the time, I guess, otherwise contradicting (3)]

How can we explain for these phenomenon? Notice that game theory is just a handy tool, it CANNOT suggest any explaination at all! All possible explanation come from your knowledge & imagination. But game theory helps you to put these intuition (直觉) into a systematic (成体系的) model, and tell you if your intuition actually works.

Now, lets see the observations one by one:
(1') If all players are randomizing (随机) with probability 1/2, and with a large number of players, this can be explained.
(2') If the detection(发觉) of “弹簧手”is more difficult with more players, this is also possible.
(3') You seem to use the following strategy(策略):
- if that excellent(优秀的) player is there, you will follow him most of the time, but sometimes, you don't
- if he's not there, you will not cheat(欺诈)
(4') It seems that you're the only one who cheats. There're many possinle explanations:
- others are idiots
- only you care so much about win or lose
- only you are an expert in cheating ("弹簧手"王)
- only you are an expert in detecing cheating (抓"弹簧手"王)

So we can explain these without game theory, no?
The problem is
(i) We don't know if the above explanationsare conflicting(冲突) or not. That is, we want to know if a model contains all these components (组成部分) (1'- 4'), can we have an equilibrium satisfying (1-4)?
(ii) We we're not just interested in modelling the situation, but also TESTING the model. We want the model to derive some testable implications like:
- How (1-4) changes with the number of players?
- How (1-4) changes with the characteristics of players? Say, more or fewer excellent players.
- How (1-4) changes with the reward of the game? Say this is an NBA game with $1000000000 for the winning team.
- How (1-4) changes with the rules of the game? Say the one who detected cheating would be killed.

(Next time, we'll see how to model the game)

学无新旧,学无中西,中国今日实无学之患,而非中学西学偏重之患 -- 王国维

Re:Re:!!!张五常:博弈理论的争议 (yoyoyo)

作者:zecon  发表时间:2001年6月13日 22:47


consumption/production theory,交易成本理论则是经济理论,

因此,我非常赞同Ah sa所说的,  

game theory ITSELF , just like optimization itself, is just a handy (便于使用的) tool (工具) for modeling, it has NO EXPLANATORY POWER (解释力) at all!

game theory is just a handy tool, it CANNOT suggest any explaination at all! All possible explanation come from your knowledge & imagination. But game theory helps you to put these intuition (直觉) into a systematic (成体系的) model, and tell you if your intuition actually works.



Re:Re:!!!张五常:博弈理论的争议 (yoyoyo)

作者:Ah sa  发表时间:2001年6月13日 23:26



作者:bam119  发表时间:2001年6月13日 23:10






作者:Ah sa  发表时间:2001年6月13日 23:23


In your example, you're the only one who makes decision. Your welfare depends only on your choice, so we can use just simlpe choice theory to explain it.

In yoyoyo's example, your welfare depends not only on your decision, but also on other players' decision. Similarly, other players'welfare depend also on your decision. It's not straightforward why we should have yoyoyo's observation as an equilibrium.

It is exactly this STRATEGIC INTERDEPENDENCE that we cannot use simple choice theory or supply-demand model. In this case, game theory may have a role to play because it is designed to study situation with strategic interdepedence.

Moreover, we're not just modelling your decision, but a set of observations:
(1) 事实是每次分组,大致只要进行几次就能出现对半分的情况。
(2) 要进行“弹簧手”的作弊非常容易
(3) 我整个高中期间打篮球时只要有那同学参与,我就会使用。据我看,没有人发现我在作弊,否则早就揭发我了...我有时为了避免受怀疑,偶尔也故意不与那同学分在同一组
(4) 我总是跟那同学分在一组

学无新旧,学无中西,中国今日实无学之患,而非中学西学偏重之患 -- 王国维

学无新旧,学无中西,中国今日实无学之患,而非中学西学偏重之患 -- 王国维

Re:Re:!!!张五常:博弈理论的争议 (yoyoyo)

作者:Ah sa  发表时间:2001年6月13日 23:36



Yes, I think the following distinction is very important
(a) game theory [比拟:optimization (最优化)]
(b) a model using game theory [比拟:a model using optimization]

Some students claim that (industrial organization or trade) models in game theoretical approach have no explanatory power at all. I think they just mix up (a) & (b).

Of course, game theory as a tool in (a), just like calculus, cannot explain the real world. But, by imposing some constraints (especially test conditions), we can derive an economic model in (b) which can potentially explain real world. Similarly, we can use calculus to build up a production model that explain real world, even though calculus itself has no explanatory power.

In situations where there is strategic interdependence between players (that is their welfare depends on other's decision), we cannot use other modelling techniques (individual maximization, supply-demand approach, general equilibrium approach). Game theoretical seems to be the only sensible approach.

学无新旧,学无中西,中国今日实无学之患,而非中学西学偏重之患 -- 王国维

Re:Re:!!!张五常:博弈理论的争议 (yoyoyo)

作者:zecon  发表时间:2001年6月13日 23:57


Ah sa,我想问一下,你觉得以下看法有没有问题?

在strategic interdependence between players



Re:Re:!!!张五常:博弈理论的争议 (yoyoyo)

作者:Ah sa  发表时间:2001年6月14日 03:07


"用博弈论" or "不用博弈论"? I think it depends on cases.
It depends on which model can provide implications with "best fit" of data.
If both works, it depends on which one is more simple.
I have no prejudice on this matter.

However, one should notice that:
(1) It is not true that game theory can only model a finite number of players.
Students may have this misconception because they learnt those duopoly model in textbook. That is just a simple model, a starting point.
Actually, there are numerous literature on entry-deterrance which allow potentially infinite number of entrancts. For simplicity, we usually assume the potential competitors are identical. As a result, we can model a game between the existing firms and one representative entrant. (We are not saying there is only one entrant, but saying that a model with one entrant and infinitly many identical entrants give same prediction)

(2) It is not true that game theory does not use optimization (最优化) which is a fundamental postulate in all economic models.

(3) To be honest, in many situations, I'm not exactly sure how we can use constraints to model the issue of "strategic interdependence". For example, in yoyoyo's example, it's not clear in what way we can "对别人决策的依赖处理为约束条件".

(4) Even though we can use use constraint to represent the "strategic interdependent" elements, individual maximization may not imply an equilibrium outcome.

In the case of price taking identical agents, individual has no market power. Agent's action cannot alter the equilibrium outcome. So the equilibrium outcome is just represented by separated individuals' optimization (for example, market demand is just a horizontal summation of individual demand).

When there is strategic interdependence (for example, oligopolies), equilibrium decision is also "interdependent". Notice that, without game theory, we don't even have an appropriate equilibrium concept for this interdependent situation. Now, game theory provides some nice notions of equilibrium (the well known Nash-type equilibria). Depending on information structure, other concepts of equilibrium are also available.

It's not clear to me at all, how we can do this without a game theoretical approach. Maybe zecon can share some of your experience with us.


