
观点 · 2004-08-19




以下是引用Jack&Jones在2004-5-31 2:13:00的发言:
The is no such thing as THE 内在的逻辑.

It seems you are suggesting there should be a universal law governing growth of an economy. This is really naive, ahistorical. Reading North might help. Growth or development is first of all a historical process. Can any 内在的逻辑 explain the rise of the west with taking into consideration of chronological and accicental factors?

There is a kind of law, although it might not be a university law. Otherwise, why do economists study for? Economists attempt to offer some simple models to explain the real world, like ISLM model in the macroeconomics. And the universal law is what economists expect, and by the universal law, thus every move of economy can be predicted and mathematically calculated. How wonderful the world will be? But it's just a dream at current level.

For the random historical events, it is explaining the reason why economists like to use 'ceteris paribus', that is to keep all other conditions constant. For a spedific case, there have existed many studies on the economic shock from the WWI. (It is a kind of trick, why not WWII? Think about it. ;) ) Nick Craft is a big name in this field, who uses some econometric tools to show this point.


以下是引用HEL在2004-5-31 2:53:00的发言:



Agree with your point in the frist paragraph except universal law is ''desirable'' or possible for economist or whoever.

1.Take for example the design of an organisation. An organisation is desinged at least in part to deal with the constraint of uncertainty , or bounded rationality of human beings on transactions. (see O.Williamson, F. Knight, H.Simon). Acceptance of the the importance of human intentionality is crucial for accounting for the real world. Human intentions , however, are not subject to any universal laws. This is for two reasons: first phychological experiment. As far as I know , no evidecen is convincing enough to be taken as laws! Second, how do we find out human intentionns? Very difficult, because the interaction between outside situation and intentions. Hopkins article on Serra Leon cocoa farmers is an example.

2. To find a universal law, this is just not a good methodology in my opinioni. Popper has said a great deal on this.

Thank you for reminding me of N.Crafts and his way thinking about random historical events, as well as Ceturus Paribus and counterfactual , which I ''m sure you have in mind when writing this.


以下是引用Jack&Jones在2004-5-31 3:16:00的发言:

of the the importance of human intentionality is crucial for accounting for the real world. Human intentions , however, are not subject to any universal laws. This is for two reasons: first phychological experiment. As far as I know , no evidecen is convincing enough to be taken as laws! Second, how do we find out human intentionns? Very difficult, because the interaction between outside situation and intentions. Hopkins article on Serra Leon cocoa farmers is an example.

2. To find a universal law, this is just not a good methodology in my opinioni. Popper has said a great deal on this.


Universal law might not be a proper term. However, conditional laws exist to some extent. Price theory may be a good example. Also, retionality is another, although we use to assume it. In psychological field, there might be some laws, if not universal laws. Otherwise, American intellegents won't abuse Iraqies. Moreover, the starting point of Adam Smith's study is from the morality, which with no doubt, is related to psychologics. Demond theory is a sort of customs psycological expectations.

Considering the nature of human being, perhaps there is a universal law, such as the behaviors from hunger,anxiety, and the essential human demand for living.

For methodological point, formating economics, like neo-classical economics is a way to find univerisal laws.






If you are learning the History of Economics, why not from this aspect to think about the question? Why did Adam Smith advocate specification and absolute advantage, rather comparitive advantage? Why was innovation factor so late to be mensioned till Marx and Schumpter? What about production factors, technology, human capital, and insitutions? What is the historical order to link all these pearls?

The secret, as I think, is the natural growth of human society. Doesn't mean insitutional factors are not important, but in that situation, Adam Smith smelt that free market is more powerful than others, and more direct and easy access to achieve. As free market developed at some level, people thought only when variances of absolute advantages among countries, the trade would happen. Richardo broke this idea. He smelt the power and real cases of comparitive advantages. Following this logic, all factors including culture, weather, geogropher, wars, peace, any trivial things can shock the economy and shape the growth to some extent (That can be explained as path dependence in some sort to show the different growth cross countries.) The theories were man-madely structed in different way to emphyze the influence of so-called 'big factors', which some human being, we called scientists, obversed in the real world and/or learned from ancestors. In short, a society like China during the transaction, lagged behind some developed countries at least in Western standards. The growth can be obtained if we put more efforts on one factor or several related factors that are easy to expect and control their mutual relathionships. What did we lose in our history, we add them in. This is the idea from Gerschenkron. But I think, maybe not mean missing. Just mean the different ways to explore the same natural factors.




1. 在社会分工基础上存在剩余的可交换产品(供给)
2. 人类需求
3. 私有产权的保护(还有其他的制度因素)

对生产要素,科技(technology, innovation),human capital的研究,是针对1的。制度经济学是针对3的。以马尔萨斯为代表的人口学是针对2的。亚当斯密,李嘉图,科斯是研究市场交易本身的。

这个框架大致ok了吧。Any problem?



其他的,黑格尔,Eric Jones, Mark Elvin, Max Weber, Marx, Lenin就比较不是从经济角度来研究经济发展的了。他们更多的倾向于社会和历史角度。










