Collusion, Delegation and Supervision with Soft Information

观点 · 2004-06-08




This paper derives an Equivalence Principle between organizational forms of supervisory and productive activities. We consider an organization with an agent privately informed on his productivity and a risk averse supervisor getting signals on the agent’s type. In a centralized organization, the principal can communicate and contract with both the supervisor and the agent. However, these two agents can collude against the rincipal. In a decentralized organization, the principal only communicates and contracts with the supervisor who in turn sub-contracts with the agent. We show that the two organizations achieve the same outcome. We discuss this equivalence and provide various comparative statics results to assess the e¢ciency of supervisory structures.
Key Words: Supervision, soft information, collusion, delegation.
Jel Classification: D82, G14, G32, L51
