on the stability of taste

观点 · 2010-03-14



Abstract: The venerable  admonition  not  to quarrel  over tastes  is commonly  interpreted  as advice to terminate  a dispute  when  it has  been  resolved  into  a difference of  tastes, presumably  because there is no  further  room  for  rational  persuasion.  Tastes are  the unchallengeable  axioms of a man's behavior:  he may properly  (usefully) be criticized for  inefficiency  in satisfying  his desires, but  the
desires themselves are data.  Deplorable  tastes say,  for  arson-may  be  countered  by  coercive and punitive  action, but  these deplorable  tastes, at  least when  held  by an  adult,  are  not  capable  of being changed by persuasion.

Authors: George J. Stigler and Gary S. Becker

on the stability of taste.pdf

